Believing the Lienow you’d think that what most folks might want is the truth
but as we’re seeing that ain’t always the case there’s a whole lotta people, surprising in their numbers who’d prefer to have you lie right to their face believing the lie is easy ah but the truth is harder than that well the truth, you know, is often full of shadows shifting sands and areas of gray ah but lies, you know, are usually told in black and white cut and dried and simplified in a comforting way believing the lie is easy ah but the truth is harder than that now it is written, in the Bible, that ye shall know the truth and the truth, it says in the Bible, will set you free but there’s one simple fact, and though it’s hard to understand it looks like free is not what some folks *want* to be believing the lie is easy ah but the truth is harder than that so don’t go swallowing what the snake oil salesmen try to sell you or any old fairy tale someone pulls from his hat beware of people who point you toward some scapegoat enemy been a lotta misery all through history that’s come from exactly that believing the lie is easy ah but the truth is harder than that just a little harder than that takes more courage than that |