Old Joe Brown
Old Joe Brown he was a gambling fool
ain't nothing he knew that you could learn in school but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now saw Old Joe down by the railroad track he took my money, never gave it back but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now Old Joe Brown he carried a .38 said "Samm I'll be at your funeral but I might be late" but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now told Old Joe I was going to Tennessee said "you can go to hell it's all the same to me" but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now Old Joe's sister was as mean as him i told her i loved her, she said "too bad Jim" but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now Old Joe Brown he carried a switchbladed knife said he needed it to fight with his kinfe-fighting wife but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now Old Joe Brown he told a thousand lies that time he told the truth was a big surprise but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now now i could tell you more about mean Old Joe but i reckon that might be all you need to know cause but Old Joe Brown's in the ground now Joe Brown's down in the ground now |
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