Professor Bennett's House of Electro-Acoustical Mystery
Employing an enigmatic and circuitous process of channeling magnetic sound recordings from bygone eras (as well as assorted other obscure sonorous implements) through a series of arcane and esoteric transformational devices, Professor Bennett (Celebrated Emeritus of Auditory Exploration and Related Endeavors) presents a most satisfying smorgasbord of swirling sonic surprise and serendipity. Ghost voices of the past, encoded within the tiny grooves of spinning black discs, are brought forth to mingle with the reverberant strains of arcane gadgetry and mysterious magnetic waveforms of unknown origin. They align in a repetitive cycle of unpredictable and unexpected connectivity, in which the hauntingly familiar meets the truly exotic, where sounds and words, mellifluous melodic motifs and fractured fragments of meaning collide and coexist in a hallucinatory realm of rarefied resonance. Past, present and future meet! And mingle! And meander together in a continually unfolding cornucopia of consonant cacaphony! An audio offering of generous proportions, friends.
For a convenient playlist of Professor Bennett videos, visit THIS YOUTUBE LINK
or... see individual clips embedded below.