Samm Bennett LIVE shows in Tokyo, September 2022
SAT 9/3 : Samm Bennett SOLO - "songs on a string"
at Infinity Books, Asakusa
This will be my last solo gig in Tokyo for the foreseeable future. If not forever. So, if you have a shred of interest, and are available that night, come on over. There's good beer on tap and you can probably also find a used book that you'd like to read.
music from 7:30~9:30 extended hang afterward is encouraged Admission is free, but we ask that you toss a few coins into the hat to cover my beer tab. Cheers. FB Event page HERE |
Below: screenshot of map to Infinity Books. Need more detail? Go to the Google map
at Oil City, Asagaya, Tokyo
open 18:30 - start 19:00
(first band at 19:00 - KCB starts at 20:00) entry: 2200yen Asagaya OIL CITY website HERE
Asagaya OIL CITY FB page HERE
By now some of you might've heard that I am going into retirement from live shows in Tokyo. And that's true, but... KING CAKE BABY will soldier on! Haha! So, we have two, count 'em TWO gigs in Tokyo this month, on two consecutive Sunday nights. This is the first of those, at a little venue in Asagaya that I played at many a year back with my old duo Medicine Bone. It's a friendly little joint and I'm happy to be bringing King Cake Baby there. There will be another band on the bill, apparently doing New Orleans-type stuff, so it could be double fun!
Below: screenshot of map to Oil City. Need more detail? go to the Google Map
at What the Dickens, Ebisu
What the Dickens website
Google map to What the Dickens
King Cake Baby info
By now some of you might've heard that I am going into retirement from live shows in Tokyo. And that's true, but... KING CAKE BABY will soldier on! Haha! So, we have two, count 'em TWO gigs in Tokyo this month, on two consecutive Sunday nights. This is the 2nd of those, at our familiar old stomping grounds, What the Dickens. Come on out, and remember, there's a dance floor there, and KCB has been known to get the movers and shakers up on their feet on many an evening!
FREE entry!