part 5
Here's Hank Thompson again, who you may remember from earlier in this collection, with his "On Tap, In the Can, or In the Bottle". Now, this one features some very odd and fairly awkward phrasing, but the idea is appealing: hungover from last night? No problem! Just come to this little joint and keep drinking!
Ol' Tom's been building those whiskey castles all his life.
Stonewall's back for another, friends. Now, this one's more about general sadness and regret than about alcohol, but with a a line like "if heartaches were wine, I'd be drunk all the time" it definitely deserves a place in this collection.
Just Hank and his guitar. A kind of perfection.
Blues has got me drinkin', trouble's got me thinkin',
Here's Hank later in his looong career, but still with time for
one more round, and a six pack to go. Love these lyrics! From Stonewall Jackson (now there's a great country stage name, eh?) another good old country morality tale, complete with groan-worthy pun title. "My drinkin' friends elected me to
the Alcohol of Fame". What more can you ask? That indefatigable punster Stonewall Jackson has finally reached the pint of no return. "Nothing matters anymore but where I'm gonna get my next glass of wine."
Great bar song from the great Tom Waits.
Gotta love that organ. Oh, and the hiccups, too.
So satisfying.
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