The Nation's Most Oppressed Minority
have you heard about those knuckleheads over in Oregon
crying 'bout how they're being oppressed by the government they've taken over some little bitty cabin, out in the middle of nowhere apparently it's the winter of their discontent cause they've had enough of federal government tyranny they've got guns and now by god they're gonna be free the way they been mistreated, ain't it a crying shame and that Negro in the White House, he's the one to blame and i'm sure you'll all agree that the nation's most oppressed minority is this silly bunch of yahoos the government just won't let 'em be and won't let 'em graze their herd of cows on public land for free oh, such misery . . . oppression and misery these poor long-suffering cowboys are upholding a grand tradition of whining about entitlement while engaging in sedition but i did some research on my own, and this is what i found if they were black or Muslim they'd already be in the ground and i'm sure you'll all agree . . . now the federal land on which these clowns have staged their occupation was set aside, cause it's the site of a great wild bird migration so maybe when these boneheads turn their gaze up to the skies a shower of bird droppings, well deserved, will fill their eyes and i'm sure you'll all agree . . . |